SİBERSON constructs its Sustainability Strategy with a holistic approach, based on the principles of “PROTECTING THE FUTURE” and in line with its Sustainability Goals. SİBERSON motivates both its own processes, the ecosystem it is involved in, and all its stakeholders, and encourages them to work within the framework of the same plan. DATA; It aims to leave a livable world to future generations and to develop this world in a positive way with active participation and voluntary cooperation, especially on society, economy and world themes.
Quality Policy
Quality Policy is a strategic document that outlines an organization’s commitments to quality standards, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction.

Our Quality Policy
Information Security Policy
Information Security Policy is a crucial document outlining an organization’s standards and procedures for protecting its information assets from various potential cyber threats.

Our Information Security Policy
Business Continuity Policy

Business Continuity Policy is a strategic framework that details an organization’s plans and procedures to ensure operations continue during and after a disruption or crisis.

Our Business Continuity Policy

Corporate Risk Management Policy

Corporate Risk Management Policy is a strategic guide outlining an organization’s approach to identifying, assessing, and managing risks to ensure business stability and growth.

Our Corporate Risk Management

IT Service Management System Policy

IT Service Management System Policy is a guiding document that outlines the methods and procedures for delivering and managing IT services to meet business needs effectively.

Our IT Service Management System Policy

Customer Satisfaction Policy

Customer Satisfaction Policy is a strategic document outlining an organization’s commitment and approach to ensuring and improving the satisfaction level of its customers.

Our Customer Satisfaction Policy

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Occupational Health and Safety Policy is a key document outlining a company’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment for its employees.

Our Health and Safety Policy